Saturday, February 13, 2010

Kitchen Project Underway - Day 15

It was a festival of painting at our house today! There's still lots to do but we got a huge chunk done. I finished the second coats on the trim in the bathroom and got 2 coats on the bathroom door. Then I cleaned 2 and 1/2 of the walls in the kitchen and painted them. We're hoping it just takes one coat. I also got a coat of paint on the trim of the window to the backyard.

(There will be cabinets on the right hand side here (and the light fixture is coming down, it's a beauty, eh?) but we thought this was a great place to start and see how the paint color looks. On the to-do list - painting the door on the left and its trim.)

(This part done except for baseboards (to be installed this week).)

(This is a fun one since you can (hopefully) see that the wall on the left is painted and the one on the right is not. The window frame has one coat (of an eventual 2).) 

(And this one looks funny with the door painted but the outside of the door frame unpainted, but hey progress is progress!)

On tap for tomorrow - painting the walls in the bathroom, cleaning and prepping the pantry walls, getting the kitchen finished up (that last wall and the second coat on the window frame) and the list goes on... :)

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