Tuesday, January 18, 2011


The strange part about our trip to the beach was all the dead starfish on the beach. They were everywhere.

We thought all the star fish were the same kind until we saw this one on Monday morning:
Luidia alternata?

We don't know what happened but have some theories - maybe the oil spill? perhaps the unusually cold weather (December was the coldest December in our area ever)? maybe a big storm (though we have not had any lately)? Thoughts? 


  1. This article from December says it's the cold weather -- http://www.heraldonline.com/2010/12/23/2711228/thousands-of-dead-starfish-wash.html

  2. I wonder if the Gulf has been that cold. It's currently 51. Researching now.

  3. a good place to track Gulf Water temperatures http://www.wunderground.com/MAR/buoy/2011/1/9/APCF1.html?graphtype=2 (this is from the Apalachicola buoy, so pretty near where we were)

  4. Thanks, snaphappy, for the link and theory - think you're right on the money.

    See my follow up post at http://365thruamyseyes.blogspot.com/2011/01/theory-about-starfish.html


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